Go ahead and register a new domain name if you haven’t done so already, then come back to this guide to proceed with the domain settings.

After you've bought a domain you’ll need to first add the A-record. If you’re not familiar with DNS and A-Records, please read this article to understand how DNS works.

Here are instructions for the most popular domain name registrars.

  1. Go to your domain registrar admin panel and enter the domain settings.
  2. Delete every record automatically predefined by the domain registrar if they already exist.
  3. Press the add new record button.
  4. Select A-record for the record type.
  5. NOTE: This step is crucial so please pay close attention!
    • Open Zeustrack in a new tab.
    • Go to the Websites > Servers menu section.
    • Now find the server you’ve created in the previous section and press the Copy IP button.
  6. Back in domain settings of the domain registrar admin panel, paste the copied IP address into the appropriate field.
    • Type @ symbol into the field named Host.
    • Press the save button. You can expect a propagation time up to 24 hours (usually much less) for DNS to update.
  1. Go to the Namecheap admin panel and access the Domain List section. Locate the domain you want to use as a tracking-domain and press the Manage button.
  2. Go to the Advanced DNS section and press the Add New Record button.
  3. NOTE: This step is very important so please pay close attention!
    • Open Zeustrack in the new tab.
    • Go to the Websites > Servers menu section.
    • Find the server you have created in the previous section and press the Copy IP button.
  4. Go back to the domain settings.
    • Choose A Record for the record type.
    • Type the symbol @ in the Host field.
    • Paste the copied IP address of the server from Zeustrack to the IP Address field.
    • Leave TTL as is.
    • Press the Save button.
  5. IMPORTANT: Delete CNAME and URL Redirect Record!
  1. Go to the GoDaddy admin panel, enter the Domains section.
  2. Locate the domain you want to use as a tracking-domain and press the Manage DNS button.
  3. NOTE: This step is very important so please pay close attention!
    • Open Zeustrack in the new tab.
    • Go to the Websites > Servers menu section.
    • Find the server you have created in the previous section and press the Copy IP button.
  4. Go back to the domain settings then press the Edit button.
  5. Paste the copied IP address of the server from Zeustrack in the Points to field then press the Save button.
  6. IMPORTANT: Delete both CNAME records!

Zeustrack hint:

Worried about SSL? No need to worry because all domains, added in Zeustrack will automatically have a free SSL certificate installed.

Next, you’ll need to add this domain as a tracking domain in Zeustrack.

Instructions: Add a tracking domain in Zeustrack

Go to Websites > Domains and press the New domain button.

Choose the server you've added earlier and enter the domain name with the following format: teenagemutantninjaturtles.com (without http:// or https://)

Press the Create button. The page will be reloaded. After that, you will be prompted to update the domain settings.
Select your preferred domain type. With Tracking + Clone website or Tracking + Wordpress types, you will have a no-redirect domain website for your campaigns (more details are here). Otherwise use a simple Tracking option. Traffic filters are available for all types.

The domain has statuses:

  • Inactive - the domain is not ready to use;
  • Offline - the domain is set up but not available;
  • Ok - the domain is set up and ready to use.

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