With Zeustrack it is possible to add an iframe to the offer "thank you page" when you need to track one or more pixels and/or currency and event value after the conversion happens.
When using a lander before the offer page you need to do the following:
- Create more lander parameters for additional pixels and parameters for currency and event value in your Traffic Source template:
- Update lander links to look like this https://{trackingdomain}/click/?origin={origin}&domain={trackingdomain}&pixel={lander.param:pixel1},{lander.param:pixel2}¤cy={lander.param:currency}&value={lander.param:value}
- Update the offer link. You should use additional parameters to make this work, so add something like ?sub1={click.var:domain}&sub2={click.var:pixel1},{click.var:pixel2}&sub3={click.var:currency}&sub4={click.var:value}
- When creating a campaign and choosing the traffic source template from step 1 as a traffic source; at the bottom of the General tab, you will find the Lander parameters section, where you can type the values for the pixel IDs, currency code and the value
- Edit the code of the offer page.
- Copy and paste the following code under the opening <body> tag:
<script> var param = window.location.search; </script>
- Locate the place where the redirect to the thank-you page is set up (it could be right in the html code of the offer page or separate js file). The most common variants are these:
document.location.href = "thank-you.php"
window.location.href = "thank-you.php"
window.location = "thank-you.php"
document.location = "thank-you.php"
location = "thank-you.php"
"thank-you" - Update the redirect code, for example, it was likeand you need to update like this:
document.location.href = "thank-you.php"
NOTE: keep in mind that file extension or redirect method might be different than it is in the example!document.location.href = "thank-you.php"+ param +""
Copy and paste the following code on the thank-you page:
<script> var param = eval("("+"{"+window.location.search.replace("?", "'").replace(/=/g, "':'").replace(/%2C/g, ",").replace(/&/g, "','")+"'}"+")"); document.write('<iframe id="iframeFbp" src="https://'+param.sub1+'/__thankspage?pid='+param.sub2+'&cur='+param.sub3+'&value='+param.sub4+'&ev=Purchase" style="width: 0; height: 0; border: 0; border: none; position: absolute;"></iframe>'); </script>
- Copy and paste the following code under the opening <body> tag: